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Defining the Preliminaries/Context

We will start off by defining the preliminaries and context of our security proof, both mathematically ("pen-and-paper") and in EasyCrypt. This includes everything from the relevant sets and functions to the actual scheme; this does not yet include anything regarding security.

Defining the Basics, Pen-and-Paper

We assume the existence of the following artifacts; these artifacts will be used to construct the encryption scheme.

  • A set K\mathcal{K} of keys called the key space.
  • A set P\mathcal{P} of plaintexts called the plaintext space.
  • A set N\mathcal{N} of nonces called the nonce space.
  • A set C\mathcal{C} of ciphertexts called the ciphertext space. In this case, the ciphertext space happens to be equal to the plaintext space; that is, C=P\mathcal{C} = \mathcal{P}.
  • An associative and commutative binary operator :P×PP\oplus : \mathcal{P} \times \mathcal{P} \rightarrow \mathcal{P} such that xxy=yx \oplus x \oplus y = y for any x,yPx, y \in \mathcal{P}.
  • A family of functions (fk:NP)kK\left(f_{k} : \mathcal{N} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}\right)_{k \in \mathcal{K}} from nonces (in N\mathcal{N}) to plaintexts (in P\mathcal{P}), indexed by keys (in K\mathcal{K}).
  • A distribution DK\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{K}} over K\mathcal{K}.1

Defining the Scheme, Pen-and-Paper

The (symmetric) encryption scheme we consider is a straightforward one; we call it nonce-based because it uses a nonce (that it takes as an input) to perform its encryption and decryption procedures. Formally, we define the encryption scheme as a triple of algorithms E=(KGen,Enc,Dec)\mathcal{E} = \left(\mathsf{KGen}, \mathsf{Enc}, \mathsf{Dec}\right), the implementations of which are provided below.

KGen() k$DKreturn kEnc(k,n,m) return fk(n)mDec(k,n,c) return fk(n)c\begin{align*} \begin{align*} & \underline{\smash{\mathsf{KGen}()}}\\ & \left\lfloor~ \begin{align*} & k \operatorname{\smash{\overset{\$}{\leftarrow}}} \mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{K}}\\ & \mathsf{return}\ k \end{align*} \right. \end{align*} &&&& \begin{align*} & \underline{\smash{\mathsf{Enc}(k, n, m)}}\\ & \left\lfloor~ \begin{align*} & \mathsf{return}\ f_{k}(n) \oplus m \end{align*} \right.\\ & \end{align*} &&&& \begin{align*} & \underline{\smash{\mathsf{Dec}(k, n, c)}}\\ & \left\lfloor~ \begin{align*} & \textsf{return}\ f_{k}(n) \oplus c \end{align*} \right.\\ & \end{align*} \end{align*}

As you can see, this is a relatively basic nonce-based encryption scheme, not containing more than a single sampling and a handful of simple function/operator evaluations. Correctness of the scheme—that is, whether the decryption of any encryption returns the original message—can be seen to hold as follows.

kDK,nN,mM: E.Dec(k,n,E.Enc(k,n,m))= E.Dec(k,n,fk(n)m)= fk(n)(fk(n)m)= fk(n)fk(n)m= m\begin{align*} \forall_{k \in \mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{K}}, n \in \mathcal{N}, m \in \mathcal{M}}: &\ \mathcal{E}.\mathsf{Dec}(k, n, \mathcal{E}.\mathsf{Enc}(k, n, m)) =\\ &\ \mathcal{E}.\mathsf{Dec}(k, n, f_{k}(n) \oplus m) =\\ &\ f_{k}(n) \oplus (f_{k}(n) \oplus m) =\\ &\ f_{k}(n) \oplus f_{k}(n) \oplus m =\\ &\ m \end{align*}

Here, the first two equalities are obtained by respectively replacing the identifiers of the encryption and decryption procedures by their specifications; the final two equalities are a consequence of the assumed associativity and "self-inverse" properties of \oplus.

If you want to get an overview first before you dive into the formalization in EasyCrypt, you can directly jump to the paper-based definition of the security model from here.

From pen-and-paper to computer

In standard cryptographic practice, K\mathcal{K}, P\mathcal{P}, N\mathcal{N}, DK\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{K}}, and \oplus would be given concrete definitions. In EasyCrypt, we tend to make proofs as generic as possible, only afterward instantiating the proof with concrete types. For example, anything we prove on the construction above will also hold in the case where K=N={0,1}λ\mathcal{K} = \mathcal{N} = \{0,1\}^{\lambda} (for some key length λ\lambda), P={0,1}\mathcal{P} = \{0,1\}^{\ell} (for some plaintext length \ell), DK\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{K}} is the uniform distribution over K\mathcal{K}, and \oplus is bitwise XOR over {0,1}\{0,1\}^{\ell}. We will elaborate on this in a later section.

Interlude: EasyCrypt's Languages

EasyCrypt provides a combination of two specification languages for the formalization of (pen-and-paper) definitions such as the above. Specifically, it provides the following two languages.

  • Expression language. This is a polymorphic lambda calculus used to describe mathematical structure.
  • pWhile\texttt{pWhile} language. This is a simple probabilistic imperative language used to describe any (potentially probabilistic) program.

Programmatic constructs in these languages are wrapped inside theories. For now, to keep things simple, we will use a single monolithic theory containing specialized definitions. At a later stage, we will explain how developments in EasyCrypt can be split across multiple theories, some of which can even be generalized for reuse across multiple proofs.

Defining the Basics, EasyCrypt

Starting from scratch, we formalize the above pen-and-paper definitions in EasyCrypt as follows.2

(* Types for keys, plaintexts, nonces, respectively *)
type key, ptxt, nonce.

(* Type for ciphertexts *)
type ctxt = ptxt.

(* Binary infix operator on plaintexts *)
op (+) : ptxt -> ptxt -> ptxt.

(* Family of functions from nonces to plaintexts, indexed by keys *)
op f : key -> nonce -> ptxt.

(* Subdistribution over keys *)
op dkey : key distr.

(* Associativity, commutativity, and "self-inverse" property of the binary operator, respectively *)
axiom addpA (x y z : ptxt) : x + y + z = x + (y + z).
axiom addpC (x y : ptxt) : x + y = y + x.
axiom addKp (x y : ptxt) : x + x + y = y.

Foremost, note that each declaration is terminated by a full stop ., which marks the end of a "formal sentence" (e.g., declarations, definitions, axioms, lemmas, or atomic proof steps) in EasyCrypt. Let us now discuss the various kinds of declarations that appear in this preamble.

From pen-and-paper to computer

On paper, we often refer to the formal description of an artifact as a "definition". However, when talking about the corresponding descriptions in EasyCrypt, we deliberately make a distinction between declarations and definitions. Intuitively, a declaration is a (formal) sentence that describes some abstract artifact, but does not provide a particular realization of this artifact. For example, most (formal) sentences in the above snippet are declarations: they merely specify the existence of a certain type/function/distribution, but do not specify this type/function/distribution concretely. Contrarily, a definition is a (formal) sentence that describes some artifact with a specific realization. One can turn a declaration into a definition by providing a realization (that still satisfies the restrictions imposed by the declaration, e.g., the types). This can be done by either (1) directly changing the code and appending a "=" followed by a definition to the declaration (e.g., type key = int.), or (2) cloning the theory and providing instantiations of the abstract artifact(s).3 This latter approach will be explained at a later stage of the tutorial.


First, we declare three types (which can be thought of as non-empty sets): key (denoting K\mathcal{K}), ptxt (denoting P\mathcal{P}) and nonce (denoting N\mathcal{N}). We also define a type of ciphertexts, ctxt—in this case, it is defined to be the same as the type of plaintexts (corresponding to the fact that C=P\mathcal{C} = \mathcal{P}).

Operators and Distributions

Following, we declare the operators using the op keyword (standing for operator).

The first operator we declare is \oplus, specifying we want to use it as an infix by enclosing it in parentheses. More specifically, by declaring the operator (+), we can subsequently use it as a + b (where a and b are operands of the appropriate type). After the colon, we specify the type of the declared operator; so, (+) is of type ptxt -> ptxt -> ptxt. This might strike you as strange, since this type intuitively corresponds to a (pen-and-paper) function :PPP\oplus : \mathcal{P} \rightarrow \mathcal{P} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}. However, since -> is right associative, i.e., ptxt -> ptxt -> ptxt is equal to ptxt -> (ptxt -> ptxt), we have that ptxt -> ptxt -> ptxt is actually equal to ptxt * ptxt -> ptxt (which corresponds to the pen-and-paper P×PP\mathcal{P} \times \mathcal{P} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}). This translation of functions that take multiple arguments into sequences of functions that each take a single argument is called currying. In computer-based treatments, the curried form of the type (i.e., the type corresponding to sequences of functions that each take a single argument) is more customary, mainly because it eases the manipulation of individual operands and the partial application of operators.

As a second operator, we declare the function family ff, giving it the key -> nonce -> ptxt type. As desired, this type intuitively corresponds to the (pen-and-paper) set K(NP)\mathcal{K} \rightarrow (\mathcal{N} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}) of functions from nonces to plaintexts, indexed by keys. (Note that f:K(NP)f : \mathcal{K} \rightarrow (\mathcal{N} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}) is just a less fancy way of writing (fk:NP)kK\left(f_{k} : \mathcal{N} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}\right)_{k \in \mathcal{K}}.)

Finally, the (sub)distribution DK\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{K}} is simply declared as a constant dkey of type key distr, the type of (sub)distributions over elements in type key.4 Here, distr is a so-called type constructor; such constructors can be instantiated (in prefix notation) by any type to construct another type. We discuss the details of parameterized (or polymorphic) types at a later stage, as they are not useful/necessary yet.


With the operators declared, it remains to restrict the set of valid candidates for \oplus or, equivalently, state the properties we want/assume \oplus to satisfy. We achieve this by declaring the appropriate axioms.

More precisely, we restrict our infix + operator by declaring three axioms, each capturing one of the properties we want \oplus to satisfy: addpC captures commutativity, addpA captures associativity, and addKp captures the "self-inverse" property.

The general shape of an axiom declaration is axiom < name > < parameters > : < boolean expression >., where the parameters are universally quantified (typed) variables. For example, axiom addpC formally states

x,yP. xy=yx\forall x, y \in \mathcal{P}.\ x \oplus y = y \oplus x

Interpreting Declarations

So far, we have laid down formal declarations, but how should they be interpreted? In essence, everything in the remainder of the file (including definitions and proofs) can be thought of as parameterized by the declared artifacts. So, in this case, everything in the remainder of the file can be applied to (and is valid for) any set of keys, plaintext and nonces, and any operators and distributions that meet the axioms.

We'll discuss how to actually instantiate constructions and proofs at a later point.

Defining the Scheme, EasyCrypt

With these preliminaries laid down formally, we can now use them to formalize the (minimal) syntax of (symmetric) nonce-based encryption schemes—that is, the signatures of the procedures that any such scheme is expected to implement and, thus, can be called from other code that has access to such a scheme by using the appropriate call statements—as well as the specification of E\mathcal{E}. The following snippet presents these formalizations in EasyCrypt using module types and modules.

Module type for (symmetric) nonce-based encryption schemes.
Intuitively, this specifies the interface that such
encryption schemes are expected to implement.
module type NBEncScheme = {
proc kgen(): key
proc enc(k : key, n : nonce, m : ptxt): ctxt
proc dec(k : key, n : nonce, c : ctxt): ptxt

Specification of the considered nonce-based encryption scheme.
Because the module implements all the procedures specified in the NBEncScheme
module type, the module has this type (making it valid to give it this type).
module E : NBEncScheme = {
proc kgen() : key = {
var k;

k <$ dkey;

return k;

proc enc(k : key, n : nonce, m : ptxt) : ctxt = {
return (f k n) + m;

proc dec(k : key, n : nonce, c : ctxt) : ptxt = {
return (f k n) + c;

Here, we start by defining a module type called NBEncScheme which defines the (minimal) syntax of nonce-based encryption schemes. More precisely, it states that any module of type NBEncScheme must implement the following three procedures (but may implement more).

  • A procedure kgen which takes no arguments and outputs a value of type key.
  • A procedure enc which, given a value of type key, a value of type nonce and a value of type ptxt, outputs a value of type ctxt.
  • A procedure dec which, given a value of type key, a value of type nonce and a value of type ctxt produces a value of type ptxt.

As a result, code that has access to a module of type NBEncScheme (which may be abstract) can always call these procedures by using the appropriate call statements.

Surely, the above formalization of nonce-based encryption schemes accurately captures the corresponding generic pen-and-paper definition we gave earlier: any triple of algorithms consisting of a key generation algorithm, taking no inputs and producing a key; an encryption algorithm, taking a key, nonce, and plaintext, and producing a ciphertext; and a decryption algorithm, taking a key, nonce, and ciphertext, and producing a plaintext.

After defining the module type, we formalize the considered encryption scheme E\mathcal{E} as the module E. As expected, this module is of type NBEncScheme and, hence, provides an implementation of all the procedures specified by this module type. Other code can issue calls to these procedures; for example, the encryption procedure may be called as idc <@ E.enc(idk, idn, idm) (or E.kgen(idk, idn, idm) when you do not want to store the return value of the procedure), where idc, idk, idn, and idm are identifiers for variables of type ctxt, key, nonce, and ptxt, respectively.5 In this case, E does not implement more procedures than specified by NBEncScheme, so its concrete syntax is fully captured by the generic syntax defined by its module type. However, if E would implement more procedures, other code would also be able to issue direct calls to these procedures through the corresponding call statements, even though these procedures would not be part of the module type definition.

The procedures' bodies then specify the scheme's operation. In this particular case, E.kgen samples a key from dkey, the formalization of distribution DK\mathcal{D}_{\mathcal{K}}, into a local variable k and returns this value; E.enc and E.dec straightforwardly use f and +, the formalization of (fk:NP)kK\left(f_{k} : \mathcal{N} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}\right)_{k \in \mathcal{K}} and \oplus, to behave as specified mathematically. Note that, in the syntax of expressions, spaces rather than parentheses are used to denote operator application: f k n denotes the value obtained by applying the operator f to k and further applying the resulting value (an operator of type nonce -> ptxt) to n. Indeed, this is where the aforementioned currying comes into play: Instead of taking a key-input two-tuple and returning a ptxt value, f takes a key value and returns an operator that takes a nonce value and returns a ptxt value.


  1. There are subtleties with this; in certain cases, we might instead want to only assume a key generation algorithm—which may not directly define a distribution (for example, if it involves interaction). We keep these discussions for a subsequent tutorial.

  2. In EasyCrypt, (* and *) delimit a (potentially multi-line) comment.

  3. Oftentimes, the realizations given to artifacts in a definition are based on other declarations (i.e., other abstract artifacts). Nevertheless, we refer to these as definitions since the artifact is technically still given a realization (even though this realization is based on other abstract artifacts).

  4. In this context, the use of the word "constant" might be a bit confusing: Wasn't the op keyword used to declare/define operators? The answer is yes, but operators are constants. For example, when you declare an operator op g : ptxt -> ctxt, you denote a single, fixed function (abstract perhaps, but fixed) from plaintexts to ciphertexts. Surely, this is the same as defining a (potentially abstract) constant of type ptxt -> ctxt. Similarly, we can use the op keyword to declare/define constants of any type, including non-function types such as key or key distr.

  5. When calling a module's procedure from other code, it is not necessary to have the identifiers of the provided arguments match the identifiers in the syntax definition; these are merely placeholders that may be used for documentation purposes.