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Proving Security

Having formalized the relevant context and the more general security-related definitions (which, arguably, can also be considered part of the context), we move on to the proof-specific aspects of the formalization, culminating in the formal verification of the proof itself.

High-Level Proof Sketch

Before diving into the details, we provide a high-level sketch or intuition of the proof and its structure.

Foremost, recall that our aim is to show that our symmetric nonce-based encryption scheme is IND$-NRCPA secure as long as the function family it uses is a NRPRF. The predominant approach to proving such a statement reduces the problem of breaking the NRPRF property of the function family to the problem of breaking the IND$-NRCPA security of the encryption scheme; proofs of this type are often referred to as reductionist proofs. In our case, such a proof would essentially boil down to defining, for every adversary D\mathcal{D} against the IND$-NRCPA security of the encryption scheme, an adversary RD\mathcal{R}^{\mathcal{D}} against the NRPRF property of the function family that "outperforms" D\mathcal{D} (i.e., the advantage of RD\mathcal{R}^{\mathcal{D}} is greater than or equal to the advantage of D\mathcal{D}). Then, if there would exist any adversary that is "unacceptably effective" at breaking the IND$-NRCPA security of the encryption scheme, it immediately follows that there also exists an adversary that is "unacceptably effective" in breaking the NRPRF property of the employed function family. However, since it is assumed (or "conjectured") that a latter such adversary does not exist, one can conclude that a former such adversary also does not exist and, hence, that the encryption scheme is IND$-NRCPA secure.

As it turns out, EasyCrypt is specifically designed for the formal verification of such reductionist proofs; for this reason, we stick to this type of proof here. Particularly, we build a reduction adversary (against the NRPRF property of (fk:NP)kK\left(f_{k} : \mathcal{N} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}\right)_{k \in \mathcal{K}}) that, given any (black-box) adversary against the IND$-NRCPA security of E\mathcal{E}, simulates a regular run of the IND$-NRCPA experiment in a way that allows the reduction adversary to win whenever the given adversary "wins" the simulated run. A high-level illustration of this dynamic is provided in the following image.

alt text

Here, the left-hand side depicts a regular run of the IND$-NRCPA experiment where the IND$-NRCPA adversary directly interacts with the given NRCPA oracle; the right-hand side depicts a run of the NRPRF experiment where the environment—particularly, oracle interactions—of the IND$-NRCPA adversary is fully controlled by the reduction adversary, who uses its NRPRF oracle to perfectly simulate the environment—particularly, answers to oracle queries—in a way that matches the environment of a regular run of the IND$-NRCPA experiment and simultaneously allows making use of the eventual return value of the given adversary.

Setup and Security Statements

Prior to proving or formally verifying anything, we go over the definition and formalization of the necessary proof-specific and relevant security statements. Here, we take a top-down approach, starting with the final goal and moving toward the lower-level steps.

The Main Result: IND$-NRCPA Security

Once again, intuitively, the end goal is to demonstrate that E\mathcal{E} is IND$-NRCPA secure based on the assumption that (fk:NP)kK\left(f_{k} : \mathcal{N} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}\right)_{k \in \mathcal{K}} is a NRPRF. More formally, the end goal is to prove the following (pen-and-paper) theorem.

Theorem 1. For all adversaries D\mathcal{D} against IND$-NRCPA of E\mathcal{E}, there exists an adversary B\mathcal{B} against NRPRF of (fk:NP)kK\left(f_{k} : \mathcal{N} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}\right)_{k \in \mathcal{K}} — with a running time close to that of D\mathcal{D} — such that the following holds:

AdvEIND$-NRCPA(D)AdvNRPRF(B)\mathsf{Adv}^{\mathrm{IND\$\textrm{-}NRCPA}}_{\mathcal{E}}(\mathcal{D}) \leq \mathsf{Adv}^{\mathrm{NRPRF}}(\mathcal{B})

As alluded to before, we prove this theorem using a proof by construction: Given any adversary D\mathcal{D} against IND$-NRCPA security of E\mathcal{E}, we construct a reduction adversary R\mathcal{R} against NRPRF of (fk:NP)kK\left(f_{k} : \mathcal{N} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}\right)_{k \in \mathcal{K}} — with a running time close to that of D\mathcal{D} — that obtains an advantage that is equal to the advantage of the given adversary. In fact, having defined such a reduction adversary, say RD\mathcal{R}^{\mathcal{D}}, the following theorem implies the one above.

Theorem 2. For all adversaries D\mathcal{D} against IND$-NRCPA of E\mathcal{E}, the following holds.

AdvEIND$-NRCPA(D)=AdvNRPRF(RD)\mathsf{Adv}^{\mathrm{IND\$\textrm{-}NRCPA}}_{\mathcal{E}}(\mathcal{D}) = \mathsf{Adv}^{\mathrm{NRPRF}}(\mathcal{R}^{\mathcal{D}})

In EasyCrypt, there is no notion of running time; consequently, there is also no way to formalize the restriction "with a running time close to that of some algorithm". For this reason, we typically formalize theorems akin to Theorem 2, where the reasonableness of the operations performed by the considered reduction adversary (i.e., in terms of running time) is to be manually evaluated (by humans).

Before advancing to the formalization of Theorem 2, recall that we cannot formalize short-hands for the advantage expressions like we do on paper; therefore, we directly formalize the absolute difference in probabilities that these advantages define. For convenience, the (pen-and-paper) definitions of the relevant advantage expressions are restated below.

AdvEIND$-NRCPA(D)=Pr[ExpD,OECPA-realIND$-NRCPA=1]Pr[ExpD,OCPA-idealIND$-NRCPA=1]\mathsf{Adv}^{\mathrm{IND\$\textrm{-}NRCPA}}_{\mathcal{E}}(\mathcal{D}) = \left|\mathsf{Pr}\left[\mathsf{Exp}^{\mathrm{IND\$\textrm{-}NRCPA}}_{\mathcal{D}, \mathcal{O}^{CPA\textrm{-}real}_{\mathcal{E}}} = 1\right] - \mathsf{Pr}\left[\mathsf{Exp}^{\mathrm{IND\$\textrm{-}NRCPA}}_{\mathcal{D}, \mathcal{O}^{CPA\textrm{-}ideal}} = 1\right]\right| AdvNRPRF(RD)=Pr[ExpRD,OPRF-realNRPRF=1]Pr[ExpRD,OPRF-idealNRPRF=1]\mathsf{Adv}^{\mathrm{NRPRF}}(\mathcal{R}^{\mathcal{D}}) = \left|\mathsf{Pr}\left[\mathsf{Exp}^{\mathrm{NRPRF}}_{\mathcal{R}^{\mathcal{D}}, \mathcal{O}^{PRF\textrm{-}real}} = 1\right] - \mathsf{Pr}\left[\mathsf{Exp}^{\mathrm{NRPRF}}_{\mathcal{R}^{\mathcal{D}}, \mathcal{O}^{PRF\textrm{-}ideal}} = 1\right]\right|

Here, remember that these probability statements are only well-defined if the initial memory/context are fixed and that, in EasyCrypt, we explicitly indicate this initial memory/context. Then, in actuality, we want the above theorems to hold for any initial memory/context. Apart from this explicit memory indication, the formalization of probability statements in EasyCrypt closely follows the pen-and-paper definitions. Essentially, given some specific initial memory (variable) &m, we can formalize the probability expressions by replacing all algorithms by their formalized counterparts, appending @ &m (indicating that the execution starts in memory &m), writing a colon instead of an equality sign, and formalizing the relevant event (where the special keyword res may be used to refer to the output of the considered procedure). For example, for some initial memory corresponding to &m, Pr[ExpD,OECPA-realIND$-NRCPA=1]\mathsf{Pr}\left[\mathsf{Exp}^{\mathrm{IND\$\textrm{-}NRCPA}}_{\mathcal{D}, \mathcal{O}^{CPA\textrm{-}real}_{\mathcal{E}}} = 1 \right] is formalized as Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_real(E), D).run() @ &m : res]. (Here, since the output of Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_real(E), D).run()—and, hence, res—is a boolean, res is equivalent to res = true.)

Finally, theorems/lemmas are formalized similarly to axioms, merely replacing the axiom keyword by the lemma keyword.1 Combining everything, we can formalize Theorem 2 as follows.

lemma EqAdvantage_IND_NRCPA_NRPRF &m:
`| Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_real(E), D).run() @ &m: res]
- Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_ideal, D).run() @ &m: res] |
`| Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_real, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m: res]
- Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_ideal, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m: res] |.

In this lemma, D denotes the formalization of D\mathcal{D} (i.e., an arbitrary IND$-NRCPA adversary); where and how we declare this arbitrary/abstract module will be discussed in one of the upcoming sections on the formal verification of the statements. Furthermore, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D) denotes the formalization of RD\mathcal{R}^{\mathcal{D}}, which we discuss imminently.

Reduction Adversary

The main proof-specific artifact we must formalize is the reduction adversary. This reduction adversary is given an IND$-NRCPA adversary but is a NRPRF adversary itself, meaning it also gains access to a NRPRF oracle. As touched upon in the high-level proof sketch, the crux of the argument is that the reduction adversary perfectly simulates a run of the IND$-NRCPA experiment for the given adversary using the NRPRF oracle in a way that allows for the reduction adversary to win the NRPRF experiment whenever the given adversary would have won the simulated IND$-NRCPA experiment. Somewhat more precisely, the reduction adversary executes the given adversary while simulating the NRCPA oracle by encrypting each of the queried plaintexts using the values returned from the NRPRF oracle (when querying it on the same plaintexts). If done properly, the view of the given adversary is (distributed) exactly the same as the view it would have in a regular run of its own experiment. Consequently, the behavior of the given adversary—and, hence, (the distribution of) its output—matches the behavior it would exhibit in a regular run of its own experiment. Furthermore, since the encryptions returned to the given adversary were constructed using the NRPRF oracle, the reduction adversary can directly translate a correct (or incorrect) choice by the given adversary regarding the validity of the provided encryptions into a correct (or incorrect) choice regarding the validity of the values provided by the NRPRF oracle. As such, the reduction adversary will invariably be correct (and incorrect) with the exact same probability as the given adversary, independent of the actual implementation of the given adversary.

Because the reduction adversary itself is a NRPRF adversary, we formalize it as a module of type Adv_NRPRF. To indicate that the module formalizes the Reduction adversary that reduces from NRPRF to IND_NRCPA, we name the module R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA. However, because a module of type Adv_NRPRF only expects a module of type NRPRF_Oracle as parameter, the module parameter of type Adv_IND_NRCPA (formalizing the given IND$-NRCPA adversary) must come first. Indeed, loosely speaking, a module is of type Adv_NRPRF only if it still expects a single module parameter of type NRPRF_Oracle; if there are any other module parameters, these must first be instantiated before the module "becomes" of type Adv_NRPRF. This is reflected in the (module) type annotations of the module definition, provided in the snippet below.

module (R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA (D : Adv_IND_NRCPA) : Adv_NRPRF) (O_NRPRF : NRPRF_Oracle) = {
module O_NRCPA : NRCPA_Oracle = {
proc enc(n : nonce, m : ptxt) : ctxt option = {
var p : ptxt option;
var r : ctxt option;

p <@ O_NRPRF.get(n);

r <- if p = None then None else Some (oget p + m);

return r;

proc distinguish() : bool = {
var b : bool;

b <@ D(O_NRCPA).distinguish();

return b;

Here, we see that the reduction adversary defines a sub-module O_NRCPA of type NRCPA_Oracle; as the type enforces, this sub-module implements an enc procedure. In this enc procedure, the reduction adversary directly queries the provided NRPRF oracle module (O_NRPRF) on n. Subsequently, if the value p returned by the NRPRF oracle is a failure indication, then the reduction adversary returns a failure indication as well; else, if the value p returned by the NRPRF oracle contains a valid plaintext, the reduction adversary returns the ciphertext obtained by mapping this plaintext and m using the + operator. (Indeed, the oget operator takes a value of any option type and, if the value equals Some x, it returns x; else, it returns an arbitrary value of the original type.)

In its distinguish procedure, the reduction adversary uses its sub-module as the NRCPA oracle that is exposed to the given adversary. This formalizes the simulation of oracle interactions by the reduction adversary for the given adversary. In the end, the reduction adversary simply returns the value returned by the given adversary.

Intermediate Results: Equal Probabilities in Real and Ideal Cases

To separate concerns, we break the main part of the proof down into two independent pieces: equality of the "real case" probabilities and equality of the "ideal case" probabilities. More formally, we proceed by separately proving the following two equalities.

Pr[ExpD,OECPA-realIND$-NRCPA=1]=Pr[ExpRD,OPRF-realNRPRF=1]\mathsf{Pr}\left[\mathsf{Exp}^{\mathrm{IND\$\textrm{-}NRCPA}}_{\mathcal{D}, \mathcal{O}^{CPA\textrm{-}real}_{\mathcal{E}}} = 1\right] = \mathsf{Pr}\left[\mathsf{Exp}^{\mathrm{NRPRF}}_{\mathcal{R}^{\mathcal{D}}, \mathcal{O}^{PRF\textrm{-}real}} = 1\right] Pr[ExpD,OCPA-idealIND$-NRCPA=1]=Pr[ExpRD,OPRF-idealNRPRF=1]\mathsf{Pr}\left[\mathsf{Exp}^{\mathrm{IND\$\textrm{-}NRCPA}}_{\mathcal{D}, \mathcal{O}^{CPA\textrm{-}ideal}} = 1\right] = \mathsf{Pr}\left[\mathsf{Exp}^{\mathrm{NRPRF}}_{\mathcal{R}^{\mathcal{D}}, \mathcal{O}^{PRF\textrm{-}ideal}} = 1\right]

At this point, it might be good to note (and convince yourself) that the defined reduction adversary indeed does what we want in both of the considered cases ("real" and "ideal"); in particular, it properly simulates the NRCPA oracle in either case. If the provided NRPRF oracle module is the real one (O_NRPRF_real), then get(n) returns a failure indication if n was already queried, and a plaintext obtained by applying the function f to k and n otherwise. In the former case, the reduction adversary returns a failure indication as well. In the latter case, the reduction adversary returns a ciphertext constructed by mapping the received plaintext and m using +. Certainly, that is equivalent to the real NRCPA oracle module O_NRPRF_real using the encryption scheme NBEncScheme to obtain the same ciphertext given that the input and the key are the same. Meaning that the reduction adversary perfectly simulates the real NRCPA oracle module (O_NRCPA_real) when it is given the real NRPRF oracle module (O_NRPRF_real). When providing the ideal oracle O_NRCPA_ideal to the reduction adversary the intresting case is again, when the nonce was not queried before and the get(n) procedure returns a randomly (uniformly) sampled plaintext. Again the reduction adversary returns a ciphertext constructed by mapping the received plaintext and m using +. Since the received plaintext is uniformly distributed, it essentially functions as a one-time pad in this mapping; hence, the resulting ciphertext is uniformly distributed as well. Following, even though the ideal NRCPA oracle module (O_NRCPA_ideal) does not perform this mapping (but instead directly samples a ciphertext uniformly at random and returns this), the distribution of the returned ciphertext is identical. As a result, the reduction adversary simulates the ideal case perfectly.

The veracity of these equalities almost immediately follows from the previous discussion concerning the reduction adversary. That is, in either case, RD\mathcal{R}^{\mathcal{D}} perfectly simulates the corresponding case for D\mathcal{D}, meaning (the distribution of) the output of D\mathcal{D} is identical to what it would be in a run of its own game. Then, since RD\mathcal{R}^{\mathcal{D}} directly returns the value returned by D\mathcal{D}, the probability of this value being 1 is trivially equal to the probability of the value returned by D\mathcal{D} being 1 in a run of its own game.

In EasyCrypt, the equality of the "real case" probabilites is formalized as the lemma shown in the snippet below.

lemma EqPr_IND_NRCPA_NRPRF_real &m:
Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_real(E), D).run() @ &m : res]
Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_real, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m : res].

Similarly, the equality of the "ideal case" probabilites is formalized as follows.

lemma EqPr_IND_NRCPA_NRPRF_ideal &m:
Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_ideal, D).run() @ &m: res]
Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_ideal, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m: res].

Following the previous discussion about lemmas in EasyCrypt, these formalizations should be relatively easy to interpret and understand. Nevertheless, some more details including the declaration of the arbitrary/abstract module D, will be covered momentarily.

Formal Verification

At last, we advance to the formal verification of the security statements. That is, in the remainder, we go over the process of proving the previously formalized lemmas in EasyCrypt. As before, we take a top-down approach to the discussion, starting with the formal verification of the main result (temporarily assuming the veracity of the intermediate result) and only then proceeding to the formal verfication of the intermediate lemmas. Nevertheless, before anything, we introduce the concept of sections in Easycrypt, elucidating several aspects that we skimmed over previously (e.g., the declaration of an arbitrary/abstract module and the local keyword).


Oftentimes, instead of formally verifying the main result(s) at once, it is more convenient and more manageable (both for the prover and the reader) to first formally verify some useful auxiliary results, and then combining these to formally verify the main result(s). These auxiliary results are generally quite proof-specific, so much so that you wouldn't really want them (or any related auxiliary artifacts) to be saved/exposed after you have used them for their specific purpose. Furthermore, these auxiliary results frequently pertain to/quantify over the same artifacts as the eventual main result(s) (e.g., an adversary); it is cumbersome to repeat the precise declaration/quantification of these artifacts over and over for each individual result.

A useful and convenient feature of EasyCrypt that alleviates the above issues is the (proof) section environment; this environment is delimited by the sentences section X. and end section X. (where X is an optional name for the section). Inside of a section, we can "declare" modules with the desired restrictions using the declare keyword. Afterward, we can refer to these declared modules throughout the entire remainder of the section; without this feature, we would need to declare/quantify these modules (and the restrictions) anew everywhere we need to use them. In our case, all our results (both intermediate and final) quantify over IND$-NRCPA adversaries. As such, in the beginning of our section, we declare a module D of type Adv_IND_NRCPA with the appropriate restrictions; see the following snippet.

section E_IND_NR_CPA.

declare module D <: Adv_IND_NRCPA { -O_NRCPA_real, -O_NRCPA_ideal, -O_NRPRF_real, -O_NRPRF_ideal }.

(* Can use D anywhere here *)

end section E_IND_NR_CPA.

By default, any module in EasyCrypt has access to the module variables of other modules (as well as its own, of course). This also holds for modules that are declared in sections. However, we do not want adversaries to have access to the state of the oracles used in the experiments. (In pen-and-paper proofs, this is also always a given.) To specify the modules of which a declared module may not access the variables, we provide a a comma-separated list of the names of these exempted modules (preceded by a -) in between curly brackets following the type annotation.

In addition to declaring modules, a section allows us to mark definitions of types, operators, module types, modules and lemmas as local (using the local keyword) such that they are only accessible inside the section (i.e., they are not exposed outside the section). As we see later, we mark our two intermediate lemmas as local; this is because these lemmas are proof-specific auxiliary results used to make the formal verification of the main result more manageable. Contrarily, the lemma for the main result is not marked as local since it is the primary result that we would like to be available outside the section. Nevertheless, this lemma still refers to D, the module declared inside of the section (and that is not exposed outside of the section). As a result, after closing the section, the lemma for the main result will be extended with the appropriate quantification over modules of type Adv_IND_NRCPA (including the desired restrictions).

The Main Result: IND$-NRCPA Security

At this point, we really have everything in place to start formally verifying our security statements. Following a top-down approach to the discussion, we start with the formal verification of the main result. To this end, assume (for now) that we have already formally verified the intermediate results and, hence, have them at our disposal in the formal verification of the main result.

Everytime we write down a lemma statement, we are expected to prove ("formally verify") the statement immediately. In fact, the tool will not continue processing any further commands until a full proof is provided. Once the proof is complete, the lemma is saved and is available for us to use in any subsequent proofs. To start proving a lemma, we write the sentence proof.; to save a lemma after proving it, we write the sentence qed.. Considering the lemma for our main result, this looks as follows.

lemma EqAdvantage_IND_NRCPA_NRPRF &m:
`| Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_real(E), D).run() @ &m: res]
- Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_ideal, D).run() @ &m: res] |
`| Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_real, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m: res]
- Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_ideal, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m: res] |.
(* Proof *)

Between proof. and qed., we provide the actual proof of the considered statement.

Throughout any proof in EasyCrypt, the tool maintains a so-called proof state, a sequence of one or more proof goals. Each proof goal consists of a context and a conclusion: the context contains all locally (i.e., goal-specific) considered variables and properties ("hypotheses"); the conclusion is a boolean expression that is to be shown to evaluate to true. Initially, for any proof, the proof state consist only of a single proof goal: the one corresponding to the original lemma statement. As a proof progresses, already existing goals change and new goals may appear. Whenever a goal's conclusion is shown to be true, the goal is "closed" (i.e., removed from the proof state); after closing all goals, the proof is complete and the original lemma may be saved.

In interactive mode (which is practically required for developing), EasyCrypt can display the proof state and update it as the proof progresses. By default, only the currently considered proof goal of the proof state (i.e., the first goal in the sequence of goals in the state) is displayed. For example, the following is what is initially displayed for our main result (which can be reached by processing up to and including proof.).

Current goal

Type variables: <none>

&m: {}
`|Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_real(E), D).run() @ &m : res]
- Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_ideal, D).run() @ &m : res]|
`|Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_real, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m : res]
- Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_ideal, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m : res]|

Here, everything above the dotted line is part of the goal's context, and everything below the dotted line is part of the goal's conclusion. In an initial proof goal like this one, the context always only contains the (type) variables declared between the lemma's name and the lemma's statement; indeed, in this case, this is only the memory variable &m. Furthermore, the conclusion of such an initial goal always equals the lemma's statement.

To go from opening the initial proof goal to closing the final proof goal and saving the lemma, we repeatedly apply tactics. In essence, a tactic represents a reasoning principle that may be applied to make progress in a proof. EasyCrypt provides many tactics, covering a wide range of scenarios; we will introduce and elaborate on the ones we use in this tutorial as we go. For a comprehensive overview of the tactics and their individual variations, consult the reference manual.

Assuming we have access to the intermediate results (i.e., lemmas EqPr_IND_NRCPA_NRPRF_real and EqPr_IND_NRCPA_NRPRF_ideal), proving the above goal is rather straightforward: we can simply use that the left-hand side minuend and subtrahend are respectively equal to their right-hand side counterparts. To do so, we make use of the rewrite tactic. Given the name of a lemma/axiom that defines an equality (say X = Y), this tactic searches the current goal's conclusion for X and replaces it with Y. Thus, in our case, issuing rewrite EqPr_IND_NRCPA_NRPRF_real. should replace Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_real(E), D).run() @ &m : res] with Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_real, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m : res]. Certainly, doing so changes the proof goal to the following.

Current goal

Type variables: <none>

&m: {}
`|Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_real, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m : res]
- Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_ideal, D).run() @ &m : res]|
`|Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_real, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m : res]
- Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_ideal, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m : res]|

Subsequently issuing rewrite EqPr_IND_NRCPA_NRPRF_real. results in the proof goal below.

Current goal

Type variables: <none>

&m: {}
`|Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_real, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m : res]
- Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_ideal, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m : res]|
`|Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_real, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m : res]
- Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_ideal, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m : res]|

Obviously, this goal's conclusion is true: the right-hand side and left-hand side are literally the same. For these kind of trivial goals, we can use the trivial tactic to try and close the goal. Indeed, issuing trivial. closes the goal and, since this was the only proof goal left in the proof state, completes the proof. Everything combined, we obtain the following for our main result.

lemma EqAdvantage_INDNRCPA_NRPRF &m:
`|Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_real(E), D).run() @ &m: res]
- Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_ideal, D).run() @ &m: res]|
`|Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_real, R_NRPRF_INDNRCPA(D)).run() @ &m: res]
- Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_ideal, R_NRPRF_INDNRCPA(D)).run() @ &m: res]|.
rewrite EqPr_INDNRCPA_NRPRF_real.
rewrite EqPr_INDNRCPA_NRPRF_ideal.

To make this proof a bit cleaner, we can make use of the tactical by and a particular feature of the rewrite tactic. First, a tactical combines or modifies (a sequence of) tactics in some way. In the case of by, it executes the tactic(s) directly following it and then attempts to close the resulting goal(s) using trivial. If the goal(s) cannot be closed after applying trivial, by will throw an error. Second, rewrite can be given multiple lemma/axiom names. For example, issuing rewrite Lemma1 Lemma2., the tactic will first rewrite the current goal's conclusion according to Lemma1, and then rewrite according to Lemma2 in the conclusion of the goal(s) generated by the rewriting of Lemma1. Employing these features, we can reduce the proof to the following one-liner.

by rewrite EqPr_INDNRCPA_NRPRF_real EqPr_INDNRCPA_NRPRF_ideal.

Intermediate Result 1: Equal Probabilities in Real Case

We strongly recommend you follow the explanation in this section while stepping through the code yourself (in interactive mode)

In the formal verification of the main result, we assumed that we had already formally verified the intermediate results. Now, we actually go over the formal verification of these intermediate results, starting with the one concerning the equality of the "real case" probabilities. The following snippet the corresponding lemma together with a complete proof in EasyCrypt. Note that we declare the lemma using the keyword local as discussed before.

local lemma EqPr_IND_NRCPA_NRPRF_real &m:
Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_real(E), D).run() @ &m : res]
Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_real, R_NRPRF_IND_NRCPA(D)).run() @ &m : res].
byequiv (_ : ={glob D} ==> ={res}); trivial.
inline *.
sim (_ : ={k}(O_NRCPA_real, O_NRPRF_real) /\ ={log}(O_NRCPA_real, O_NRPRF_real)).
inline *.

The initial sentence of the proof consists of two tactics, byequiv and trivial, combined through the tactical ;. Combining two tactics by means of ;, as in t1; t2., first applies tactic t1 to the current goal, and then applies tactic t2 to the goal(s) generated by the application of t1. In our case, we combine byequiv and trivial to immediately close some of the trivial goals generated by the application of byequiv. The byequiv tactic is more interesting. Namely, this tactic allows us to prove certain (in)equalities of probabilities concerning program executions by demonstrating a particular equivalence between the considered programs. This equivalence of programs is always with respect to a certain pre and postcondition, which are specified in the argument provided to byequiv; the format of this argument is (_ : pre ==> post), where pre and post respectively denote the pre and postcondition. In our case, the precondition is ={glob D} (which is syntactic sugar for (glob D){1} = (glob D){2}),2 i.e., we require the accessible module variables (read: environment/view) of module D to start out the same in both executions; the postcondition is ={res}, i.e., we require the output of the programs to be (distributed) the same. Processing this intial sentence results in a goal that precisely corresponds to the program equivalence with this pre and postcondition.

In the second sentence of the proof, we apply the proc tactic; this tactic can be used on goals with a conclusion corresponding to a program logic statement on procedure identifiers (i.e., not on actual code). The program logics of EasyCrypt are Hoare Logic (HL), probabilistic Hoare Logic (pHL), and probabilistic Relation Hoare Logic (pRHL). The current goal's conclusion denotes a pRHL statement with identifiers of concrete procedures; in such a case, proc simply replaces the identifiers by the code of the procedures.

After applying proc, we see that the code of the procedures contains several calls to various concrete procedures. To get a better view of what actually happens, we inline all of these concrete procedure calls by applying the inline tactic. In particular, since we want to inline all concrete procedure calls, we apply inline *. (If we wanted to inline only a particular concrete procedure call, say O_NRCPA_real(E).init, we could've used inline O_NRCPA_real(E).init.)

Looking at the programs in the goal, we notice that they are really quite similar. Essentially, ignoring auxiliary assignments, the only difference is the oracle that is provided to the adversary D when calling its (abstract) distinguish procedure. By construction, we know that these oracles should behave identically provided that they have the same keys and logs throughout the execution. For cases like this, EasyCrypt provides the convenient higher-level sim tactic. Reasoning backward from the end of the programs, this tactic attempts to prove a program equivalence by keeping track of (and extending/adjusting) a conjunction of equalities that implies the original postcondition; if the tactic manages to work through both programs completely, it tries to show that the original precondition implies the final conjunction of equalities, which proves the original equivalence. Indeed, for the current goal, it suffices to maintain the fact that k and log of O_NRCPA_real and O_NRPRF_real are equal throughout the execution of the programs to guarantee that the oracles provided to D behave identically and, hence, that D outputs the same value (distribution) in both programs as well. Although sim can be used without any arguments to let EasyCrypt infer the invariant from the postcondition, this is not sufficient in the current case; therefore, we provide the invariant explicitly as (_ : ={k}(O_NRCPA_real, O_NRPRF_real) /\ ={log}(O_NRCPA_real, O_NRPRF_real)), where ={x}(M, N) is syntactic sugar for M.x{1} = N.x{2}. Applying the sim tactic with this invariant leaves us with a single goal asking us to prove an equivalence of the enc procedures of the oracles provided to D; specifically, the goal asks us to prove that, whenever the inputs to the oracles are the same and the above invariant holds, the outputs of the oracles are (distributed) the same and the invariant still holds. This shows that the application of sim managed to close the original goal under the assumption that the oracles behave identically and maintain the invariant when called. Now, we are expected to still prove this assumption to complete the proof.

Once again, the current goal concerns a pRHL equivalence on concrete procedure identifiers; so, we apply proc. Then, since the resulting code contains several calls to concrete procedure, we inline all of them by applying inline *. Considering the definition of the omap operator, the programs are almost trivially seen to be semantically identical. Furthermore, the code merely contains assignment statements and if-then-else constructs. As such, this goal is a good target for another relatively high-level tactic called auto. This tactic applies a sequence of several basic program logic tactics, afterward solving the goal if it is trivial. In this case, auto manages to solve the goal and, thereby, complete the proof.

Intermediate Result 2: Equal Probabilities in Ideal Case

We strongly recommend you follow the explanation in this section while stepping through the code yourself (in interactive mode)

Bringing everything to a close, we discuss the formal verification of the second intermediate result: the equality of the "ideal case" probabilities. Here, we focus on novel (uses of) tactics that did not occur in the previous formal verifications. The following snippet presents the corresponding lemma along with a full proof in EasyCrypt. Again we use the keyword local as discussed before.

local lemma EqPr_INDNRCPA_NRPRF_ideal &m:
Pr[Exp_IND_NRCPA(O_NRCPA_ideal, D).run() @ &m: res]
Pr[Exp_NRPRF(O_NRPRF_ideal, R_NRPRF_INDNRCPA(D)).run() @ &m: res].
byequiv (_ : ={glob D} ==> ={res}) => //.
proc; inline *.
call (_ : ={log}(O_NRCPA_ideal, O_NRPRF_ideal)).
- proc; inline *.
if => //.
- wp.
rnd (fun (p : ptxt) => p + m{2}).
skip => />.
move => &2 _.
- move => y _.
rewrite addpK //.
move => _ c _.
rewrite addpK //.

As in the formal verification of the first equality of probabilities, we start off with an application of the byequiv tactic with equality on the initial environment of D and (distribution of the) outputs as pre and postcondition, respectively. However, instead of combining this with the trivial tactic by means of ;, we append the semantically equivalent, but slightly cleaner, => //. In EasyCrypt, the => can be tacked onto any (sequence of) tactic(s) to start a sequence of so-called "introduction patterns". In order, each of the introduction patterns in the sequence is applied to the goal(s) generated by the preceding (sequence of) tactic(s) and introduction pattern(s). An important application of introduction patterns is the introduction of universally quantified variables and hypothesis from a goal's conclusion to a goal's context. For example, if a goal's conclusion starts with forall (i : int), ..., the introduction pattern => j will remove the quantification from the goal's conclusion and add j: int to the goal's context (note that the introduced variable's identifier does not need to match the auxiliary identifier in the quantification). Similarly, if a goal's conclusion starts with, e.g., x <> y => ..., then the introduction pattern => H will remove the x <> y antecedent (and the corresponding implication arrow) from the goal's conclusion and add H: x <> y to the goal's context. In the remainder of the proof for that goal, H is available as if it were a regular axiom/lemma.

After applying byequiv, we obtain a single goal denoting a pRHL equivalence on procedure identifiers, as desired. We replace the procedure identifiers with the code of the procedures and immediately inline all calls to concrete procedures in the resulting programs by applying proc; inline *. This leaves us with two programs that are nearly identical, only differing in the oracle provided to D and an auxiliary assignment. Now, the right-hand side program ends in a simple assignment; we would like to get rid of this statement so that we can reason about and relate the abstract procedure calls on both sides (which requires these calls to be the very last statement in both programs). To do so, we apply the "weakest precondition" tactic, wp. In essence, this tactic consumes assignment statements from the end of the programs while adapting the postcondition in a way that reflects the execution of these statements; the pRHL equivalence that results from this implies the original one.

At this point, both programs end with a call to the same abstract procedure, i.e., distinguish of D; however, the exposed oracles differ and the equivalence between them cannot be proven using the sim tactic. So, the main points we want to argue is that (1) the adversary starts out with the same view/environment on both sides, and (2) even though the provided oracles differ, their behavior is identical. In turn, the adversary's view—and, hence, its behavior—is the same on both sides throughout its execution; particularly, this means that the adversary's output (distribution) is the same on both sides. For this kind of reasoning, we use the call tactic in EasyCrypt. This tactic removes the abstract procedure calls and allows us to claim that the returned value is equally distributed on both sides. However, to make sure this is sound, it produces two goals that formally encompass the two previously mentioned conditions. One asks us to prove that, right before the procedure calls are made, the environment of the considered module (i.e., glob D in this case) is equal on both sides; the other asks us to prove a pRHL equivalence essentially capturing that, given the same input, the exposed oracles produce the same output (distribution) on both sides. To assist in (or even make possible at all) proving the latter, the call tactic takes an invariant (as (_ : invariant)) that is maintained throughout the oracle calls. Naturally, the fact that this invariant holds at the start and is maintained throughout becomes part of the goals. Indeed, all we need as an invariant in this case is equality of the logs (={log}(O_NRCPA_ideal, O_NRPRF_ideal)), guaranteeing that the exposed oracles are synchronized with respect to failure indication.

In the interest of keeping our code somewhat clean and readable (to those who can understand EasyCrypt code in the first place), we indent our proof code whenever the previous tactic application more than one goal, hence resulting in a proof state with more goals than before the application. (Similarly, we unindent whenever the previous tactic application closed a goal.) In our case, since the application of call resulted in the generation of two goals, we indent the next sentence of proof code by starting it with the indentation symbol - and a single whitespace. This sentence will apply to the first goal generated by call, and we indent all subsequent sentences applying to this first goal by two whitespaces. After closing this goal and arriving at the last goal generated by call, we return to the same indentation level we used for the call tactic itself. Of course, we use this styling rule recursively; for example, if, during the proof of the first goal, we were to apply a tactic that again generated more than one goal, we indent another level in the same manner as before.

The first goal generated by the call tactic concerns the behavioral equivalence of the exposed oracles. As per usual, we apply proc and inline * to first change this pRHL equivalence on procedure identifiers to one on the code of the procedures, and subsequently inlining all concrete procedure calls in this code. This leaves us with two programs for which we want to show, among others, that their output value (r) is (distributed) the same, as indicated by the ={r} term in the postcondition. Inspecting the programs (and keeping the precondition in mind), we foremost note that the same branch of the if-statement will be executed on both sides due to the inputs and logs being equal. Now, if the else-branch is taken, the equality of (the distribution of) r trivially holds; namely, r will simply be None on both sides (recall that omap outputs None if its second argument is None). However, if the then-branch is taken, the (distributions of the) return values are not trivially identical: On the left-hand side, the return value is the value sampled in the then-branch; on the right-hand side, the return value is the value obtained from mapping the value sampled in the then-branch (with the input plaintext) using +. Surely, since the sampled value essentially functions as a one-time pad in this mapping, the distribution of the return values is still the same on both sides; nevertheless, this is not trivial (at least not for the tool) and, therefore, we will need to do some more work than simply applying some of the higher-level automated tactics.

Following from the above, one approach to proving the current goal is showing that (1) both sides invariably execute the same branch of the if-statement, and (2) the equivalence holds independent of the executed branch. Fortunately, the if tactic enables us to take this exact approach. However, this tactic is only applicable when the if-statements are the first statement in both programs. So, to achieve this, we need to get rid of the assignment statement preceding the if-statement in the right-hand side program. In turn, we achieve this by means of the "strongest precondition" tactic, sp, which is basically the dual of wp. As you might have guesses, sp consumes assignment statements from the beginning of both programs while accordingly adapting the precondition. After applying sp, we apply if, and immediately close one of the trivial goals it generates by appending => //. Specifically, this trivial goal concerns the equivalence of the if-guards on both sides, i.e., the fact that both sides invariably enter the same branch; this is a trivial goal in this case because the equality of the variables stated in the precondition makes the guards exactly the same. Of course, the other goals generated by the if tactic concern the veracity of the pRHL equivalence when executing the different branches.

Since the application of if => // generated more than one goal, we indent the code another level, as before. The current goal is the first goal generated by if => // and regards the equivalence of the programs when executing the then-branch of the if-statement. Starting off, we apply wp to consume the assignment statements at the end of the programs; this results in both of the programs ending with a sampling from the same distribution (recall that dctxt and dptxt refer to the same uniform distribution over all plaintexts/ciphertexts) that we want to relate somehow. Now, whenever we want to relate samplings, we use the rnd tactic.3 Oftentimes, we use this tactic without any arguments, which essentially assumes that the same value is sampled on both sides. However, sometimes, we want to say that whenever we sample a certain value on the left-hand side, we sample a uniquely-linked value on the right-hand side. Surely, as long as all of the linked values have the same probability of being sampled on each side, this is sound. For such cases, the rnd tactic takes two more arguments that, together, form a bijection between the supports of the considered distributions. Indeed, this bijection is what establishes the unique link between the values from the distributions; of course, you must then still prove that the probability of each of the linked values in their respective distribution is identical. As some nice syntactic sugar, whenever the bijection consists of the same function twice, you only have to provide it once as the first argument. Looking at the postcondition of our current goal, we see that the value sampled on the right-hand side (c) should be equal to the value sampled on the left-hand side (y) after combining it with the input plaintext (m) using +. So, if the sampling on the left-hand side gives us x, we want the sampling on the right-hand side to give us x + m{2}, and vice versa. The bijection that captures this link is defined by two identical functions, viz., fun (p : ptxt) => p + m{2} (written as lambda/anonymous function). Therefore, we apply rnd (fun (p : ptxt) => p + m{2}), which consumes the samplings and adjust the postcondition accordingly.

After removing the samplings, both programs only have assignments statements left; once again, we remove these statements using wp, leaving a goal with empty programs. Now, a pRHL equivalence with empty programs is true if, for all possible program memories (for both programs), the precondition implies the postcondition. The skip tactic captures this reasoning principle, and transforms a pRHL equivalence with empty programs into the appropriate, universally quantified implication. To make our lives a bit easier, we ask the tool to automatically simplify the expresssion generated by skip as much as it can; specifically, we do so using the introduction pattern commonly referred to as "crush", />.

The application of skip => /> produces a goal that, intuitively, asks us to show that for any possible program memory, the bijection that we provided to the rnd tactic is actually a bijection on the support of the considered distribution (dctxt or, equivalently, dptxt). Contemplating the experession following the universal quantification, we see that it contains an antecedent that is useless in proving the actual consequent (i.e., the validity of the bijection). To remove the universal quantification as well as the useless antecedent without doing anything else, we combine the "identity tactic" move with the introduction patterns &2 and _ as move => &2 _. Being the "identity tactic", move does absolutely nothing, but the subsequent introduction patterns respectively introduce a program memory variable &2 into the context (removing the universal quantification from the goal's conclusion) and remove the first (and only) antecedent from the goal's conclusion.

Looking past some of the technical details (e.g., useless antecedents), we notice that the goal we are left with basically asks us to prove same thing twice: given any plaintext m, it holds that x = x + m + m for each plaintext x. But this is just a "right self-cancellation" property of +, which we can prove generically as the following lemma that follows directly from the axioms stated in the context.

lemma addpK (x y : ptxt) : x + y + y = x.
by rewrite addpA addpC addKp.

(Note that, in order to use this addpK in the current proof, it must be saved beforehand.) With this lemma at our disposal, we continue the proof by applying the split tactic. As its name suggests, this tactic "splits up" a goal whose conclusion constitutes a conjunction into two goals, each having a different term of the conjuction as its conclusion (but the same context). We close both of the generated goals by, first, removing universal quantification and useless antecedents as before, and subsequently applying rewrite addpK //; the latter is syntactic sugar for rewrite addpK => //. Naturally, we indent and unindent according to the aforementioned styling rules as we go.

The preceding closed the first goal generated by the application of if => // a while back; hence, we now arrive at the second goal generated by this application. As discussed before, this goal corresponds to the equivalence of the programs when the else-branch of the if-statement executed which, because both return values equal None and the logs are not changed, is obviously true. Because the programs merely comprise assignment statements, simply applying auto closes the goal; we unindent and proceed to the final goal of the proof.

Finally, we arrive at the last goal of the proof: the second goal generated by the application of the call tactic all the way in the beginning. Intuitively, this goal now asks us to prove that, when the adversary is called in the original programs, (1) the environment/view of the adversary is equal on both sides, (2) the invariant given to the call tactic holds (i.e., the oracles' logs are equal), and (3) the equality of (the distribution of the) return values as well as the veracity of the invariant imply the original postcondition (i.e., the postcondition of the goal the call tactic was applied to). Now, first, because the equality on the adversary's environment is assumed by the precondition and not affected by the remaining statements of the programs, the first proof obligation is trivial. Second, because the remaining statements initialize the logs on both sides to the empty list, the second proof obligation is trivial. Lastly, because the original postcondition merely required the return value of D to be equal on both sides, the third proof obligation is also trivial. Concluding, since the remaining statements of the programs only concern assignments, a simple application of auto closes the goal and finishes the proof.


  1. Naturally, as opposed to axioms, lemmas require a proof/formal verification; these proofs are given directly succeeding the formalization of the lemma statement. Nevertheless, the formalization of the statements themselves are identical between lemmas and axioms (barring the used keyword).

  2. For the record, variables annotated with {1}, as in x{1}, are given values according to the memory corresponding to the left-hand side program; similarly, variables annotated with {2}, as in x{2}, are given values according to the memory corresponding to the right-hand side program.

  3. The samplings you want to compare should be the final statements in the considered programs.